Instructional Materials
About Instructional Materials
The Instructional Materials Office coordinates with Curriculum and Instruction to maintain instructional materials review and adoptions.
The office:
- Maintains a current list of adopted materials
- Maintains reference copies of current adopted materials, supplemented by copies of these materials for circulation in the Professional Library
- Works, through the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) to review and approve the process of adoption of new Instructional Materials district-wide in accordance with state law and district policy
- General Adoptions page
- Instructional Materials Committee Meeting Minutes
Current District Adoptions
The following links list the current adoptions for the Seattle Public Schools:
Please note district-adopted materials should not be surplused. Please contact if you have surplus adopted materials.
Recent adoptions
Instructional Materials Committee
The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) is established in conformance with state law (RCW 28A.320.230). Within the structure of the established adoption schedule, the purpose of the IMC is to:
- Approve the timeline of each specific adoption;
- Approve the membership of the Adoption Committee;
- Approve the selection criteria to be used by the Adoption Committee and ensure that the criteria are aligned with the principles outlined in the official policy;
- Certify to the School Board that the final recommendation of the Adoption Committee was reached by following the process outlined in the official policy and any related Superintendent Procedures; and
- Ensure that a Professional Development cycle is developed.